We accept


Complaints Policy

If a member of staff has a complaint, they should direct this to the manager.  If it is not resolved to their satisfaction or it is a complaint against the manager, they should report it to a member of the committee, preferably the chair.

If a parent has a complaint regarding a member of staff or any other issues regarding the setting they should report this to the manager on duty.  If it is not resolved to their satisfaction, they should contact a member of the committee.


Parents/staff who are not happy with the setting can contact Ofsted using the details below:


Ofsted National Business Unit

Royal Exchange Buildings,

St Annes Square


M2 7LA

Or by e-mail at: www.ofsted.gov.uk/parents

Or Call 0300 123 4666



Susan Hodgkiss – 01204-853720

Committee Contact Details


Trish Raseta - 07778707597